mirror95.txt revised 961207 How to mirror a Win95 harddrive to another hard drive. NOTE: This applies to drives that neither use Dynamic Drive Overlay OnTrack software. If any one drive uses such, it is a special case that applies specifically to which of the drives does contain the DDO OnTrack. Please call Gigagon Technical support, and request professional assistance. Before beginning, some things to note: if the destination drive that is to receive the mirror is beyond the 528Mb barrier, be sure the mainboard supports LBA. The original drive that is to be mirrored will be considered the SOURCE, and is usually the bootable C:\> drive. The destination drive that is to receive the mirror will be considered the DESTINATION, and is usually the D:\> drive. The DESTINATION can have multiple partitions as well. 0. Unless the computer receiving the DESTINATION drive has an identical video card as the drive contained from the SOURCE, use the Display Properties Settings to Change Display Type to Standard VGA Display, 16colors, 640x480. Also, remove any internal devices from the Systems Device Manager that will not be present in the computer receiving the DESTINATION (ie. sound cards, internal modems, network adapters). 1. Hook the DESTINATION drive up properly so that it is the Primary Master, boot with floppy. Fdisk the drive properly, and be sure the partition is set active. Format this drive from the bootable floppy, either DOS622 or Windows 4.0.950 will do, with the arguments: A:\> format /u c: 2. Disconnect the drive, now hook up the drives to the computer properly as SOURCE as the primary master, and DESTINATION as any primary slave or secondary master/slave device. 3. Let the SOURCE drive boot up into Windows95 GUI. 4. Go into the MS-DOS Prompt, create this directory in the DESTINATION: D:\>md WINDOWS Continue as indicated: D:\>cd WINDOWS D:\WINDOWS>md FONTS Leave the MS-DOS Prompt session active. 5. Using the Explorer, be sure the attribute [View][Options][View][Hidden files:][Show all files] is enabled, copy all the files from the SOURCE root directory structure, NOT INCLUDING 'Recycled' and 'Windows', to the DESTINATION root directory. 6. Continue with the Explorer, copy all the files from the SOURCE 'Windows' directory structure, NOT INCLUDING 'Fonts' and 'Win386.swp', to the DESTINATION 'Windows' directory. 7. Go back to the MS-DOS Prompt session, and: C:\>copy \windows\fonts\msifont.fon d:\windows\fonts C:\>sys d: D:\>md tempfont C:\WINDOWS\FONTS>copy . d:\tempfont Exit and close the MS-DOS Prompt session. 8. Shut down the system. 9. Place the freshly mirrored DESTINATION drive in the new computer. 10. If the drive does not successfully boot to the Windows GUI, then the mirror was not a complete success. This will happen 20% of the time, we do not know why. Re-install Windows95 on this drive, all the Programs and Applications and environments will be restored. Else, the drive does successfully boot up to Windows95 GUI, go to the [Start][Settings][Control Panel][Fonts][File][Install New Font...][Folders] and select all the fonts found from \tempfont. Be sure 'Copy fonts to Fonts folder' is enabled, this will properly install all the .TTF and other files properly. You can then choose to delete the \tempfont directory after. 11. Windows95 has been successfully mirrored from the SOURCE to DESTINATION. email: gigagon@anime.net Dedicated to serving the 514 montreal area and neighbours ( 5 1 4 ) 9 4 9 - 7 7 8 7 http://www.anime.net/~gigagon/ The Gigagon Corporation (318627-0) Canada