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Giga-Corp > Products > SI-115A IDE/PATA
Giga-Corp > Produits > SI-115A IDE/PATA

Manufacturer / SKU

Hard Drives Supported
IDE ATA66/100

Yes. One, sleeve fan.

Unique Features
The SI-115A is the best mobile rack without going to aluminum. Moulded with high quality ABS plastic, it makes it one of the sturdiest non-aluminum mobile rack we have. The handle is not a moving part, so there is no lever to pull and seperate the tray from the railings. This is important if the mobile rack will be in a room with people that will have the urge to play with the handle when the computer is on. The fan can be upgraded to a Ball Bearing type.

Fabricant / SKU

Le Disque dur a Supporté
IDE ATA66/100


Traits uniques
Le SI-115A est le meilleur tiroir du disque dur fait avec le plastique. Il est fait avec haute qualité plastique ABS, c'est le tiroir non-aluminium le plus fort que nous avons. Le manche ne déplace pas, cela le rend difficile d'enlever le tiroir des rampes. C'est important si le tiroir du disque dur sera dans une pièce avec gens qui soulèveront le manche quand l'ordinateur est utilisé. Les ventilateurs du roulement à billes sont disponibles.

About the SI-115A
The SI-115A is manufactured with high-density ABS which makes it very durable and one of the strongest mobile rack. Favoured by many data box engineers in military and aerospace, both tray and frame insert with a simple rail, there are no complex loose parts in their mechanisms. Unlike many mobile racks with a moving handle, the SI-115A has none, giving simplicity to its strength. Don't let the SI-115A's simple plastic design fool you with it's quality, robustness, and durability.

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